Rallies and Protests Photo Galleries>> Rallies and Protests>> MWCIL advocates for disability issues. 2025 PCA Rally at the State House Rallies and Protests » 2012 Second Thoughts Rallies and Protests » 2012 Second Thoughts Amy Hasbruck and John Kelly before the hearing. Second Thoughts members gather at Statehouse hearing, March 6. Bill Allan of the Disability Policy Consortium with John Kelly and Kristen McCosh. John Kelly testifies. Eileen Feldman testifies. Karen Schneiderman testifies. Karen Schneiderman, John Kelly and Eileen Feldman finish up their testimony. Denise Karuth testifies. John Norton testifies. Michael Muehe testifies. Kristen McCosh testifies. Martina Robinson testifies. Julie testifies Joanne Daniels-Feingold testifies. Full house at the hearing. Massachusetts Hospice and Palliative Care Federation Laura Tuttle with Massachusetts Hospice and Palliative Care Federation Debriefing and interviews after testimony.