2013 Gala and Awards Photo Galleries>> Awards, Galas and Signings>> 2013 Gala and Awards>> Liz Casey speaks MetroWest legislators present Liz Casey with a citation Karen Spilka gets ready to be ROASTED State Rep Chris Walsh roasts State Senator Karen Spilka Senator Spilka is roasted by her husband, Joel Loitherstein State Senator Karen Spilka is roasted by her husband, Joel Loitherstein State Senator Karen Spilka is roasted by her husband, Joel Loitherstein the comedy team of "Ed and Paul" formerly known as "Paul and Ed" Mary Anne Padien Post Roast Paul Spooner, Karen Spilka, Ed Carr Paul Spooner, Karen Spilka, Ed Carr State Senator Karen Spilka Awardee Bill Henning, BCIL, and his family Awardee Liz Casey, PCA Workforce Council, and her family Paul Spooner, Ed Carr, Chris Walsh, Karen Spilka, Jeff Roy, Tom Sannicandro Paul Spooner, Ed Carr, Chris Walsh, Karen Spilka, Jeff Roy, Tom Sannicandro, Bill Henning, Liz Casey State Senator Karen Spilka and her husband, Joel Loitherstein Paul Spooner Jini from MWCIL with her son and dog Joel Loitherstein and Charlie Carr Bill Allan and Mary Lou Maloney ◄ 1 2 3 4 ►