Almost all of MWCIL’s consumers live at or below poverty level. The agency serves consumers of all ages and disabilities, helping them to live with dignity and independence. Perhaps you know our consumers as your neighbor or relative. All of the services provided by MWCIL are free to consumers.
A leader in Independent Living, MWCIL receives government funds for independent living services and training for people with disabilities who seek employment. MWCIL provides direct services to some of its most vulnerable citizens, many of whom have been denied the right to make decisions about how and where to live their lives. But the need for services versus the amount the government will pay for widens daily.
Your help is crucial to continue delivering high-quality services that inspire the testimonials on this page. Please contribute your tax-deductible gift today.
“I have learned much about my rights as a disabled person through the Center. I think the money management skills I learned will last me a lifetime.”
“MWCIL helped me navigate through many issues with MassHealth. I could not have done it without them.”
“My interests are best represented with the help of MWCIL. I have not had much success dealing with housing problems alone.”
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MetroWest Center for Independent Living
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MetroWest Center for Independent Living
1 Clarks Hill, Suite 200
Framingham, MA 01702
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