Emergency Preparation

With climate change, the likelihood of a natural disaster has grown. In recent years, Massachusetts has experienced tornadoes, floods, hurricanes, blizzards and a terrorist attack. Many of these disasters are accompanied by extensive power outages and the shutting down of public transportation. It makes sense for everyone, especially people with disabilities who rely on specific services and medical supports, to be prepared. Many recommendations are common sense while some may be things you have not considered. Read the resources below, and make a Plan A.  Once that is complete, make a Plan B. 

In case of an emergency, your local public safety agencies should know about any special needs. Below is a link to the state’s Disability Indicator Program form that you can complete about individual needs which gets included into the state 911 emergency system. When a 911 call comes from your phone, the responding emergency agency will have some useful background info. Complete the form and send it the 911 Municipal Coordinator in your town (often the Police Dept).

Disability Indicator Program

  • Mass.gov – Request a Disability Indicator form for Landline, Wireless and VoIP Consumers
    If you have a disability and landline telephone service, you may qualify to have a unique code appear during 911 calls to indicate to emergency services that you may require special assistance.
    Anyone who has life-dependent power needs or other daily requirements for medical care or services should register now at their Town Hall with the Civil Defense Emergency Preparedness staff.

National Organizations and Resources

State Resources

Personal Preparation